Wednesday, April 30, 2014

May Day 2014! Celebrate International Workers’ Day!

May Day is International Workers’ Day, a day to uphold workers’ struggle around the world. Workers will take to the streets in most of the major cities of the world, holding high their union banners and red flags. Workers will march and protest, listen to rousing speeches and appreciate the past sacrifice of labor militants.
Labor leaders and activists in every country know the story of the heroic Haymarket Martyrs of Chicago who in 1886 led strikes and militant protests against big industrial bosses and bankers. Some of the labor leaders were American-born, while others were immigrants from Germany and other countries, just like Chicago today. All of them were united in understanding the working class is the basis of social change, a revolutionary class, the class of the future with the right to rule society.

Against the workers, trying to stop the unions and repress the workers’ demand for the eight-hour day, were the big capitalists. The bankers and industrial capitalists broke all the legal rules and hung four of the Haymarket labor leaders. It only outraged industrial workers more and they went on to win the eight-hour day through an international campaign.